
How to Publish Research Paper in Scopus Indexed Journal

Scopus offers a fuller and broader range of scientific information, allowing researchers to gain a broader insight into the area they are researching. Scopus’ easy-to-use analytics tools and APIs allow researchers to better visualise and analyse emerging trends through their favourite websites and apps. Scopus-indexed journal‘s superior coverage of emerging markets offers research professionals access to critical, high-quality research carried out and published in both developed and developing countries that researchers and academics are likely to miss when searching other databases. The content on the Scopus database is also updated daily, compared to competitors who only update it once a week, and as a result, researchers can set alerts to see exactly when new developments in their area of interest are published.

Tip #1
Preparing For & Executing Manuscript Submission Flawlessly

After formatting their research papers according to the guidelines of the specific journal that researchers have selected to publish their work, the time comes for them to submit their research papers. Now, they need to follow some steps to submit their work under the terms of the journal. Through these steps, they will be able to know where, when, and how to submit the research paper. It also helps to know if any fees have to be paid when submitting. Most scientific journals include upcoming online submission methods for authors as well as co-authors to submit the work.

For this, they need to enter some basic details like their name followed by their email address. The following details also are normally required –
○ The topic or area of interest
○ The type of study undertaken
○ University, institution, or any company to which they belong
○ Their objective or purpose for undertaking the study.

Researchers must enter all these details in an online form where it is important to ensure that all the information they provide is entirely up-to-date and accurate. Any mismatch or erroneous entry in the information may result in the rejection of their submission.

Entering incorrect information and having the paper rejected will force them to start the whole process over again. So, they should make sure that all the details they provide are accurate.

Tip #2
Taking Licensing & Permissions Absolutely Seriously

It is a condition of publication that the authors grant an exclusive licence to the “ORES” Scientific Platform. This helps make sure that requests from third parties to reprint articles are dealt with effectively and appropriately and will also make it possible for the article to be distributed as widely as possible. By assigning the copyright, the authors can use their own material in other publications, provided that the journal is recognized as the place of original publication and that the Scientific Platform “ORES” is informed in writing and in advance.

Researchers should also ensure that the manuscripts they submit for publication are completely original, unpublished, and not currently in the process of being considered for publication elsewhere. If previously published figures, tables, or portions of the text are to be included, permission from the copyright holder should have been obtained before manuscript submission.

Tip #3
Cover letter
Every manuscript submission has to be accompanied by a cover letter that includes –
○ a brief outline of the manuscript,
○ corresponding author and contact details, including –
■ full name,
■ email address,
■ phone number, and
■ contact information,
■ postal address (corresponding author and contact author).
○ It should even mention –
■ the number of display components (figures and tables),
■ the number of attachments (manuscript, figures, additional details if any) and their respective formats.

The cover letter must comprise a statement indicating that the article has not been published in another publication and that it isn’t simultaneously being considered by another journal for publication.

Tip #4
Preparation & Formatting Of The Manuscript

All research articles have to be clearly written in English. Those researchers who would like further assistance with improving the quality of their written English should seek the services of a professional research publication consultancy such as IFERP which offers expert services.

Formatting Of Research Articles

Research articles offer original research and address a specific, clearly stated hypothesis or question. Articles should provide new approaches, and new perspectives on the problem addressed.

Typically, every research article should consist of the following headings –
■ A Page Title,
■ The Author’s Information,
■ Their Current Address,
■ An Abstract,
■ The Key Words,
■ An Introduction,
■ The Materials & Methods Section,
■ A Results Section,
■ The Discussion Section,
■ A Note Of Appreciation,
■ The References Section,
■ Tables, and
■ Figures.

Formatting Of Review Articles

Review articles are those articles that are written by researchers in an attempt to summarise the present state of research on a particular topic. Ideally, an author or a group of them research everything related to the topic, then sort it all into a cohesive view of the state of research in a given discipline as it currently stands. Those scientists who wish to write review articles should include the following sections in their articles –

■ A Page Title,
■ The Author’s Information,
■ The Key Words,
■ A Current Address,
■ An Abstract,
■ The Text,
■ A Note Of Appreciation,
■ The References,
■ Tables, and
■ Figures.

Formatting Of Short Communications

Short communications are intended for concise but independent reports that are meant to represent a significant contribution. A short communication is not meant to publish the preliminary findings of a research study.

It should not go over two thousand, five hundred words and may include two figures or tables. It must have at least eight references. Those research professionals who wish to write and publish short communications must include the following sections in their work –

■ A Page Title,
■ The Author’s Information,
■ A Current Address,
■ An Abstract,
■ The Key Words,
■ An Introduction
■ The Materials & Methods Section,
■ The Results Section,
■ The Discussion Section
■ A Note Of Appreciation,
■ The references Section,
■ Tables, and
■ Figures.

Tip #5
Getting the Tables Right

Any and all tables have to be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited within the body of a research article. Tables should have a short descriptive title placed at the top. Brief descriptions are also accepted. Footnotes can be inserted below the table. Tables cannot duplicate data contained in the text. They should be sent in Microsoft Word and have no links to the main document or other archives. Research authors should provide files roughly the right size to print (letter size).

Tip #6
Nailing Formatting For Figures

Figures should be provided in an electronic format at an appropriate size for printing with the following resolutions –
○ exactly 600 dpi (dots per inch) for line drawings and combinations, and
○ 300 dpi for grayscale and colour.
○ Colour figures should be provided in CMYK, not RGB colours. Research authors should ensure that prepared electronic image files are printed at a readable size and are of high quality for publication.

Tip #7

Taking Care To Ensure An Flawless References Section
Researchers should ensure that at the end of their articles, in the References section, their literature is listed in alphabetical order. If they have the same author, they must be in chronological order.

Within The Text

References should be cited in the text with the author’s surname and year in parentheses. If there are two authors, both have got to be mentioned. In cases where there are three or more authors, only the first author’s name can be mentioned, followed by ‘et al’. In cases where two or more references are cited in the same parenthesis, the authors’ names should be in chronological order. And if they’ve got the same year, they must be listed in alphabetical order. In addition, if there is more than one reference by the same author and the same year, they must be indicated by letters.

Tip #8
Offering Comprehensive Proof Of Findings

All manuscripts will undergo editorial changes, so it is crucial for research authors to check their proofs carefully. PDF page proofs are to be emailed to the corresponding author for verification. To avoid posting delays, proofs must be checked and returned within two days. Any corrections should be returned by annotated PDF via email or fax. Significant changes to the text may be charged to the author.

Tip #9
Undertaking Post-Production Fixes

Corrections are carried out if the publication record is severely impacted by the academic accuracy of the published information. Where these changes relate to peer-reviewed material, the correction will be published as an erratum in a later issue.


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